V: Notable Personages
THE MAIMED PROPHET Vog son of Mellifast was once an ordinary man, a captain in the armies of Urd Thlol. Then, one night, he heard a calling in his heart: the call of the One Above the Gods. He became the first great evangelist, resigning his military commission in the year 272 to begin his holy peregrinations across the continent. Countless temples and monastic orders blossomed in his wake, including the High Chapel of Avalorium, constructed in 284. During the Fell Winter of 279, Vog was assailed by the Wind-Wolf of Varodrim. It is unclear how he escaped with his life, but many accounts credit his survival to miraculous intervention. He did not, however, escape in a single piece: his right hand was bitten off, all the way up to the elbow. Undeterred, Vog Mellifast-son continued his work for many more years, earning the title of the Maimed Prophet and leaving behind him a legacy of hope and faith. Vog passed away in the year 300 of the New Empire. Later apocryphal writings have con...